Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Aug, 2020


WARDROBE by Kate Clayton

Artist's Talk Details

Kate will be giving an artist's talk online, please join us using Zoom.

Sunday 27 September, 4.00pm to 5.30pm

The zoom link is:

The ID is: 835 6994 4698

The password is: Nomas

We look forward to welcoming you!

Artist’s Statement

I am a performance artist based in Glasgow. Within my practice I work collaboratively, collectively and individually. My main focus is on the visibility of older women, claiming agency for the over-60s, Other themes include intergenerational friendship and the collaborative process. My work often involves artistic personas performed in different contexts and environments: public spaces, such as buses and cemeteries, galleries, domestically, in cabaret and within the landscape.

The exhibition at Nomas* is an opportunity to present the costumes that have been an integral part of my solo work for the last four years: Silver Swimmer, Art Scrubber, Bus Pass and Pearl Compost. The artist’s presentation scheduled for September 27 will be a chance to talk about the inception and development of this work. In particular I will be introducing my current earth-based collaboration with artist Sophie Seita. In times of covid, ‘Pearl and Theory Make Compost’.

Artist’s Biography

I graduated with an MFA (Art, Society and Publics) from DJCAD, Dundee, in 2014. Since then I’ve moved to Glasgow in order to be part of the large, loosely connected art community to be found there.

Being selected for three residencies has been important for my development. Those were: ‘Between Menopause and Old Age, Alternative Beauty,’ a residency run by Rocio Bolivar for LADA; the ‘Emerging Older Artists Residency’ at Cove Park; and ‘CAMP, Live Art (Both Pronounciations)’ with Ann Bean in the French Pyrenees. Each residency proved to be a crucible for collaboration.

For the last four years I’ve also been part of the women’s group XSexcentenary, of which I’m a founder member.

For more details of performances, exhibitions and other activities, please see the artist bio page of my website.

Artist’s website

Artist’s Talk

This will be presented online via Zoom on September 27 at 4pm. All welcome.


The photographs that appear in WARDROBE were taken by Duncan McLaren, Frank McElhinney and Yi-Chieh Chiu. The Bus Pass costume was designed with and made by Ross Fleming.


Next project: → Beneath the Heavens

Previous project: ← News From Heaven