Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Sep, 2018

A Linguistic Incident

Artist's Statement

Pictures of greasy food, certain ceramic figurines, the eighties. I get a large part of my inspiration from an eclectic mix of things, things that are slightly repelling and therefore exquisite. Being fascinated is the starting point of my artistic practice, that and honing in on the overlooked. Attentiveness can reveal surroundings that are rich in strange and fascinating details. From the thin clear plastic bag dancing in the air on a summer afternoon, to a neatly placed pair of shoes in the middle of a busy road (the why of which I'll never know).

Photography is one way to extract this richness; words are another. I use words to build new 'spaces' (i.e. texts) that can be read or performed. I like that words are immanently portable, the ultimate building material. By installing texts in the urban environment, for example, I'm making linguistic spaces that raise more questions then they answer. They become points at which to wonder; they become points at which to question (and therefore potentially remake) one's surroundings.


Claire Yspol works across writing, photography, intervention, artist publishing and more, to playfully interrogate the complexities of being among objects and other systems. Her work has appeared in the Artist’s Book Yearbook 2018/2019 and in East Bristol Contemporary's Rung Magazine. Born in the Netherlands, Claire attended the Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam and has received an MFA from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. She currently lives and works in Scotland.

Artist Websites:


Next project: → Generations - NEoN 2018

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A Linguistic Incident
A Linguistic Incident
A Linguistic Incident
A Linguistic Incident
A Linguistic Incident
A Linguistic Incident
A Linguistic Incident