Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Dec, 2016

"Santa Baby"

"Santa Baby"

Artist Statement:

Hari seeks self-actualization, examination and release through her artistic practice. She creates collages employing a wide range of media drawn from items collected over her lifetime. Nomas asked Hari to ‘consider Christmas and the contrasts between its original meaning and what it signifies today’. The resulting body of work “Santa Baby” utilises her religious and cultural iconography, personal photos and both created and found text.

Artist’s Bio:

Hari MacMillan is a collage artist based in Fife. She completed her BA at Edinburgh College of Art in and her MPhil at Glasgow School of Art and is currently completing her MFA at Dundee University. She previously worked as a Video to Film Designer in London. She creates autobiographical collages, addressing subjects in popular culture and modern society.

Artist Website:

Hari will be creating an online advent calendar for the exhibition at


Next project: → "Nymphs in Mania"

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