Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

2014, November


EXHIBITION Oliver Mezger: "AABA BBAB" - as part of NEoN Digital Arts Festival.

2 - 27 November

Oliver Mezger makes work that explores the instability of our minds to recall and remember. He is interested in questioning contemporary cultures dependancy on temporal methods of recording. Mezger finds fluid ways to both capture the legacy of our ‘physical traces’ and the impact of our ‘character’ in time. Making viewing a process of active interpretation, his performances provoke emotions and through the subtle rhythmic combination of image and sound sources he explores a kind of reverie. Mezger uses a variety of media - 16mm film, digital video, slides, flick-books, knitting, concrete poetry, soundscapes and musical collaborations.


4 November, 7 – 10pm (event kicks off at 7.20pm) Bonar Hall, Park Place, Dundee, DD1 1PB. Tickets: £5 - Must be booked in advance (to pay ondoor, click ‘Show other payment options’ under the 'Order Now’ button when booking ticket). Further Information and bookings online at Creative Dundee


Next project: → "Incarnation Celebration"

Previous project: ← "Pastry Works"

Oliver Mezger - Pecha Kucha Night Vol 10 from CreativeDundee on Vimeo.

Oliver HV Mezger is an experimental film-maker and digital artist. He studied at Glasgow School of Art and now lives and works in Edinburgh. He creates work in a variety of media – 16mm film, digital video, slides, flick-books, knitting, concrete poetry, sound and through musical collaborations. His most recent film ‘Air Sgàth Margaret Tait’ (2014) reflects on the significance of Margaret Tait’s film ‘The Big Sheep’ (1966) and his relationship to it, over the time he spent in the village of Helmsdale, Sutherland, in the Far North-East of Scotland.

Oliver spoke at Pecha Kucha Night Dundee Vol 10 on Tuesday 4th November.

PKN presentations are filmed and produced with thanks to Bonnie Brae Productions

Find out more about Pecha Kucha Nights and Dundee's thriving creative and cultural sector at Creative Dundee: