Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Jan, 2021

Wear and Tear

Wear and Tear

ARTIST’S ZOOM INTERVIEW: Sunday 31 January 2021, 4.00pm - 5.30pm online

Meeting ID: 824 1179 0078

Passcode: Nomas

Artist's Statement

Rhona Jack is a multi-disciplinary artist whose artistic practice is formed by a combination of sculpture, printmaking and fibre art, often blurring the lines between art, craft and design. She has a particular interest in industrialisation and the subsequent death of industries, examining the role of the individual within them. By presenting craft processes in a gallery setting, the maker is brought to the forefront, highlighting the eradication of the individual within mass production. The hand of the artist is always present throughout Jack’s work, and the tactility of materials is of high importance. Every inch of the work has been handled, and the hours spent making are recorded in every stitch, every knot, every joint, every interwoven strand. Her work is made primarily of reclaimed materials that long to be touched, and hold within them a history of touch.

Artist's Bio

Rhona Jack lives and works in Dundee. She graduated from the city's Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in 2017 and is currently a Committee Member of GENERATORprojects. Recent exhibitions include 'Women in Print' (Zane Bennett Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, 2020), Platform (City Art Centre, Edinburgh, 2020), Reduct (Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, 2020), Satellite (Summerhall, Edinburgh, 2018), Inside:Outside and An Isolated Process (both Merz Gallery, Sanquhar, 2020).

Artist's Website


Next project: → Border Crossing

Previous project: ← The Divine Treatment

Wear and Tear