Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Oct, 2020

Beneath the Heavens

Beneath the Heavens by Kaori Homma

Artist's Talk Details

Kaori will be giving an artist's talk online, please join us using Zoom.

Sunday 25 October, 4.00pm to 5.30pm

The zoom link is:

The ID is: 896 3915 7893

The password is: Nomas

We look forward to welcoming you!

Artist’s Statement

Beneath the Heavens

Kaori Homma is an artist originally from Japan, based in London exhibiting in UK and internationally.

Homma is a co-founder of Art Action UK, a platform for artists' creative and critical responses to global crisis. She is also an Associate Lecturer at CSM and CCW at University of Arts London. Homma’s works are regularly exhibited at Royal Academy, and in both public and private collections, and has been awarded Parker Harris Award 2017, Aqua Zero Award, Spain 2012, International Drawing Award, Budapest 2010, British Women Artists, 2010.

The series of work “Beneath the Heavens” were produced for Nomas Project during the summer of 2020 during the lockdown. Focusing on the feeling of entrapment brought upon us when our world shrunk so rapidly. The feeling of entrapment is also accompanied by uncertainty and foreboding sense of turbulent future where we might be hearing the beginning of the end of anthropocene chiming in the skys above our head. Our sense are muffled as we are cocooned under our limited horizon, and yet our gaze wonder beyond the horizon, even though we are not sure what we are searching for.

The images seen in Homma’s work are etched by fire, not by a pigment sitting on a surface. A technique normally associated with secret correspondence used in the past, called “aburi-dashi” in Japanese. Invisible Ink made with lemon juice is used to render images, slightly altering the delicate balance of paper, once exposed to the fire in the process of making, the images are burnt into paper as an integral part of its structure. The resulting image contains a level of fragility and notion of death within it by nature, which is amplified by the installation of the urn and ashes of the remnants of pieces of art works which did not quite make it to the final stage of fire etching.

Artist’s website


Next project: → Given To Chance:Indeterminacy/Share Commissions

Previous project: ← WARDROBE

Beneath the Heavens
Beneath the Heavens
Beneath the Heavens
Beneath the Heavens