Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Sept, 2015


Lada Wilson: intertextuality

Lada Wilson’s art practice is permeated by language and words — it takes into account aspects of culture, language and audience and their interweaving and explores not only the meaning of words but also their spatial connotations by reworking them as sculptures, artist’s books and exhibitions. Wilson is strongly influenced by the spaces in which her exhibitions take place. The reconfiguration of space, which is often not a typical white cube gallery space, is as much her work as the artwork placed in it. The Nomas*Projects gallery space provides a perfect context.

By merging the roles of artist, curator and collector, Wilson creates carefully staged, mixed-media installations that draw on the conventions of historical archives and exhibition-making. Wilson seeks social engagement through collaborations and critical dialogue. The juxtaposition of her personal narrative, often expressed using different languages, and her sculptural interpretations creates a new sense, a new experience.


Lada Wilson was born in Croatia and, after living in the Netherlands and Spain, moved to Scotland 10 years ago and made it her home. Wilson studied Fine Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), University of Dundee. In 2014, she gained a master’s degree – MFA Art, Society & Publics at the University of Dundee.

Wilson’s past projects include an exhibition entitled resonate for the Triennial Conference of the International Association for Word and Image Studies (IAWIS/AERTI) which was held in Dundee. resonate was installed at Centrespace, Visual Research Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts and was a curated reflection on the artists’ book collection Dundee (abcD) and the Rewind collection in Dundee.

This project led to another conference – Wilson was selected to present a paper at the 103rd College Art Association Conference in New York in February 2015.

Wilson’s paper, entitled Artist’s Book as Landscape: Scattered Words, Trails of Posterity, examined the work of Ian Hamilton Finlay in the context of his garden Little Sparta. While in New York, Wilson contributed to an Art Amnesty project at MoMA PS1 and started her ongoing project the city as playground.

In May 2015, Wilson was one of 21 artist selected at a national level to receive an Artists Information Company ( bursary to go to Venice for the opening of the 56th Biennale. Wilson’s project Words we have in common will be included at the Dundee Commons Festival in August 2015.

Some of her work is held by the Demarco European Art Foundation, the University of Dundee Collection and a number of private collections.

Wilson lives in Fife and works in Dundee and wherever in the world she finds herself.

Artist's Talk Sunday 27 September, 2.00pm - 3.30pm, at The McManus, Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum. Albert Square, Meadowside, Dundee. DD1 1DA.


Next project: → RED DELICIOUS AND GREENSLEEVES - Four Drawings

Previous project: ← {AS YOU SEE}
