Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

Feb, 2016

Reflections on the Incarnation

Reflections on the Incarnation

'The empty mirror,' he said. 'If you could really understand that, there would be nothing left here for you to look for.' (Janwillem van de Wetering)

Statement of intent:

Reflections on the Incarnation sets out to do two things. 1. to make explicit the Christian theological framework within which Nomas* Projects operates. 2. to queer that framework through a deeper theological reflection.

Devised in three parts: an exhibition, a reading group and a walk, the project strikes a balance between provocation and conversation, the better to learn, unlearn and relearn what it means to be a Christian today.


Jonathan Baxter is an artist and ... He works across disciplines - both art and non-art related - using psychoanalytic methodologies and performative practices to variously open up, challenge and propose what is. In the context of this exhibition Jonathan plays the wolf.


19th February - 31st March 2016

Reading group:

3rd, 17th, 24th March 2016


1st April 2016


Next project: → Landscape Imaginaries

Previous project: ← KILLBOX

Reflections on the Incarnation