Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

April, 2015

"This gift feels like it's been touched a lot"

Artist Statement

At the heart of my practice lies two key threads of interest, 'how are images used to communicate' and 'what it does it mean to make and exhibit'. A questioning of ‘value’ is central in the way I explore these. In an ever-more visually stimulated world my works are relativity quiet and still, yet they consciously hold an agenda, allowing motifs to form and questions to be asked about their loaded context. My work looks at the relationships between gesture, artifice and the objects on which they are displayed often exaggerating and emphasising shapes and signs, which may otherwise go unnoticed, re-appropriating them and allowing them to create new conversations. 


b.1990, currently lives and works in Glasgow


2009-2014 First Class BA (Hons) Painting and Printmaking, Glasgow School of Art.


Glasgow Print Studio Award, September 2014 - August 2015

RSA New Contemporaries 2015, Selected Artist

Phoenix Bursary Recipient, October 2014 - January 2015

Selected Exhibitions

2015 RSA New Contemporaries, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, 14th March - 8th of April.

2015 Forms of Exchange, The Old Hairdressers, Glasgow, 30th March

2014 School of Fine Art Showcase, McClellan Galleries, Glasgow, 12th - 21rst June.

2014 "Untitled" - A 4th Year Exhibition, Group Show with Andreas Behn-Eschenburg, Lin Chau and Elizabeth Pirie; Studio 44, Glasgow School of Art

2013 Et Al., Group Show, SWG3, Glasgow


Next project: → "Sraid nam Marbh: The end of the road"

Previous project: ← Colourfield Studies